
云计算有 4 个基本要素:服务器、网络、存储和数据库。 @SpaceandTimeDB 首创了第 5 个基元--可验证性,现在又迎来了第 5 个基元。 这一新基元的重要性将产生巨大影响,因为它将迅速成为主要计算基元。

继续:云计算有 4 个基本要素:服务器、网络、存储和数据库。

 首创了第 5 个基元--可验证性,现在又迎来了第 5 个基元。 这一新基元的重要性将产生巨大影响,因为它将迅速成为主要计算基元。 

Nate Holiday
Continued 📣: There are 4 cloud compute primitives: server, network, storage and database. has pioneered and is now ushering in the 5th primitive, Verifiability. The importance of this new primitive will have high impact as it quickly becomes the primary compute primitive. What does a primary compute primitive mean? It means in the new world of compute the legacy four cloud primitives only work as part of the broader fabric of verifiable compute. More to come 🔜. Follow along as we unfold the value and importance to the future of compute.
Nate Holiday
Working with really smart people to outline “database” markets and why traditional web2 projections may not be “up and to the right forever.” There are many reasons we are building @SpaceandTimeDB as the native #Web3 Data Warehouse - stay tuned.



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